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Portuguese lessons for businesses

Invest in Portuguese lessons for businesses and we will help your team to improve their level. Trust in Ziggurat’s pedagogical system and you will improve your employees’ skills to increase business opportunities. We will help you to grow!

We design a customised Portuguese lesson plan for businesses

At Ziggurat, we design a customised Portuguese training plan for businesses, and we adapt to the needs and objectives of your team.

We carry out an initial diagnosis to plan the lessons based on the level and professional profile of your team, whatever your sector.

You will benefit from:

  • Native, qualified, and experienced teachers.
  • Very dynamic lessons.
  • Customised content.

Our Portuguese lessons for businesses are designed to have a real application in the daily running of your business.

Choose the modality you prefer for the Portuguese lessons for businesses

We offer you maximum flexibility so that you can choose the training modality that you prefer for your Portuguese lessons for businesses.

Virtual or telephone Portuguese lessons for businesses

Virtual Portuguese lessons last a minimum of an hour (telephone lessons last at least 30 minutes) and they are designed so that your team can improve their communication skills in this language. It is a training programme with a clear and coherent organisation, with the advantage of avoiding the need to travel, thus reducing training costs.

Face-to-face Portuguese lessons for businesses

Ziggurat offers you different options for face-to-face Portuguese lessons for businesses (in-company training): intensive courses, continuous training, and business seminars.

Your team will also have access to pedagogical resources in the Virtual Campus, which will be provided by teachers. 

Subsidise your Portuguese courses for businesses with Ziggurat

We will inform you about the available subsidies, we will help you manage your credits, and we will advise you on all the benefits your company can access depending on the number of employees. Not to mention coordinating your customised training plan.


What are the benefits of learning Portuguese for businesses?


Ziggurat’s Portuguese lessons have many advantages for your business:

  • Communication with your Portuguese-speaking clients will improve.
  • Negotiations with your partners will be more fluent.
  • Your business’s image will improve, increasing the opportunities and value of your business.
  • You will be able to offer a better service to your clients in Portuguese.
  • You will ensure the loyalty and attraction of talent by establishing an outstanding training and growth plan.
  • Your team will overcome the fear of expressing themselves in Portuguese, fostering more fluent dialogues and more confident communication that will make your organisation grow.

How long will it take your team to learn Portuguese for businesses?


The length of these courses can be adjusted according to the specific needs of each company:

  • You have the flexibility to choose both when to start and when to finish the training, as well as the timetables.
  • We adapt the Portuguese lessons for businesses to your objectives and the topics you wish to cover.

In any case, you can calculate the duration of the training period for your team using our Language Calculator tool. This tool provides you with an estimate of the time needed for your employees to reach the objectives set, taking into account their initial level.

Can Portuguese lessons for businesses be adapted to different levels and objectives?


All our Portuguese training for businesses is tailor-made, which allows us to adapt to different levels and objectives:

  • We carry out an initial diagnosis to find out the level of your team.
  • We agree on a training plan and objectives.
  • We work with customised content, regardless of the sector in which your company operates.
  • We adapt our training to different professional profiles.
  • We personalise our training so that your team members can apply it in their jobs.

In addition, at Ziggurat we continuously monitor our training and evaluate performance to ensure that your team meets the objectives set at the beginning of the training. We guarantee that you will raise your level with our Portuguese lessons for businesses!