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26 / 11 / 2007

'SOBREMESA' IN ENGLISH: meaning and examples

Good morning;

This week we are going to answer some of the recent questions we've received from our Daily Vitamin users. Today's question comes from Cel·la Mondéjar.

Hello Matthew, how are you?
I was wondering if there is some English word for "sobretaula". I mean the nice time you spend talking and drinking coffee or liquors after dinner or lunch. Thanks in advance! Cel·la

I'm sorry to say, Cel·la, that the translation of this very culturally-charged word is quite boring in English. We usually simply say after-dinner conversation or after-lunch conversation.

Example 1:
Last Thursday was Thanksgiving in the United States. When people are finished eating dinner, it's quite common for there to be lots of after-dinner conversation.

As you may know. sobremesa (sobretaula in Catalan) is not as common in Anglo cultures, at least not during the workweek.

Example 2:
Most employees are only allowed 30 minutes for lunch. Many eat their lunch while sitting in front of their computer. There is no time for after-lunch conversation.

Remember, to ask questions about today's Daily Vitamin, use the forum in the Daily Vitamin Plus! section on our website (

Have a good day, and enjoy your lunch...hopefully with lots of after-lunch conversation. ;-)

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