19 / 09 / 2011

JUMP-1: meaning and examples

Good morning everyone. I hope you had a good weekend.

This week we are going look at meanings of and expressions with the English word JUMP (Spanish = saltar).

Today we look at a couple of the most common meanings of JUMP as a verb, and over the next few days we will look at expressions with JUMP.

Meaning 1 of JUMP: to move quickly off the ground or away from something by pushing yourself with your legs and feet.

During the birthday party, the children were jumping up and down with excitement.

Meaning 2 of JUMP: to move quickly and suddenly; to make a sudden movement because of surprise, fear or excitement.

Example 2:
When the child heard his name called, he jumped to his feet.

Meaning 3 of JUMP: to suddenly change from one subject to another.

Example 3:
It was difficult to follow the presentation because the marketing director kept jumping from one topic to another.

If you have any questions about today's lesson, please post your comments after this lesson in the Daily Vitamin section on our website and we will answer within 48 hours.

Have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow.