Inicio > Recursos Inglés > THE ALPHABET GAME: 'Z'


29 / 06 / 2018

THE ALPHABET GAME: 'Z': meaning and examples

Welcome to our last challenge of the 2018 Ziggurat Daily Vitamin Alphabet Game

The last lesson is about the letter Z. This letter, like the letter X, is not used often in English. That is why today's answer contains the letter Z but does not start with this letter. 

Sentence: The magician was _____. The audience was so quiet while he was performing!

Do you know the answer? Here are some hints to help you. 

Hint 1: It is an adjective. 

Hint 2: It means "holding the attention of someone."

Hint 3: The American-English version of this -ING word uses a Z, but the British-English version often uses an S.

For the last time, please give us your guess on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter). We will include the correct answer in Monday's Daily Vitamin email. We will also announce the winners on Monday.



We would like to thank all of you for playing. We had a great time with the game this year!

We will have regular Daily Vitamin lessons for the next two weeks (until July 13th), then we will begin our Daily Vitamin summer break until September.

We will see you on Monday for more lessons!