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14 / 03 / 2024

COURT vs. PITCH: meaning and examples

Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin, everyone. I hope you are having a great day.
Once again, before getting into the lesson, I wanted to speak to you about our participation in the 11th Annual Magic Line Walk to raise money for social projects carried out by San Juan de Deu Hospital; the walk takes place this Sunday, March 17th. Would you like to walk with us? If you would like to walk with us, send an email to and we will add you to the Ziggurat team.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Ziggurat will match any contribution that is made to the San Juan de Deu Hospital between now and Friday at midday (12:00). If you donate 50€, Ziggurat will also donate 50€; if you donate 5€, Ziggurat will also donate 5€. We will double your contributions. 

Our solidarity challenge is a minimum of €1,000. Can you help us reach our goal? Any contribution is valid: from €1.00 or €50.00 to the amount you choose. All funds raised are allocated entirely to the Magic Line projects of the San Juan de Deu Hospital. You can make your contribution at our team's link: Donations are tax deductible; you can deduct up to 80% of your donation. The social projects carried out by San Juan de Deu are aimed at children and young people, homeless people, people with mental health problems or dependency and for research and international cooperation. At this link you can read more about the projects funded in 2023. We hope to have your support, and we hope you can walk with us! Thank you very much for collaborating in the Magic Line SJD 2024. 

Today we are revisiting two words from the world of sports that are often confused: court and pitch. We use these nouns to refer to the surface where competitive sports are played.

The meaning of PITCH: the specific area or field where certain competitive sports are played, particularly sports like football (soccer), rugby, field hockey, and lacrosse. It's usually a rectangular area covered in grass or turf.

Example 1
Many years ago it was common for professional footballers to play on pitches that were often in very bad condition. Nowadays that rarely happens.

The meaning of COURT: a court is a hard-surfaced, usually rectangular, area marked or enclosed for the playing of certain sports, such as tennis, basketball and volleyball. So we often refer to a "tennis court," "basketball court," or "volleyball court," for example.

Example 2
I prefer to watch tennis when it is played on grass courts rather than clay courts.

To summarize, while both COURT and PITCH refer to areas for playing sports, COURT is more often associated with hard-surface sports like tennis or basketball, while PITCH is associated with sports played on grass or turf surfaces, like football (soccer) or rugby.

You may be wondering, "but how do we translate these two nouns into Spanish?"

Generally speaking, Court is "pista" in Spanish and Pitch (or Field, in US English) is "campo" in Spanish. However, there are exceptions. For example, "Campo de golf" in Spanish is a golf course in English... NOT a golf field or golf pitch.

We went over these two words last year. You can access that lesson at the following link:

Can you come up with your own original sentence for each of these nouns? You can post your sentences on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter/X) and we will give you feedback about your sentences ASAP.

All the best!

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