Inicio > Recursos Inglés > SYNONYMS FOR ‘WANT’ (CRAVE)


04 / 03 / 2022

SYNONYMS FOR ‘WANT’ (CRAVE): meaning and examples

Happy Friday, everyone. Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin

Today we look at our fifth and final lesson of the week, about synonyms for the verb TO WANT.

Today's WANT synonym is: To crave

Definition: to have a very strong feeling of wanting something.

Example 1: I noticed that those foster children really craved attention from us when we were visiting. 

Example 2: When my wife was pregnant, she constantly craved paella and Spanish tortilla. 

Okay everyone, that's it for this week. I hope you can begin to use some of these synonyms in your daily English. It's not just learning new words... it's using the new words.

I hope everyone has an excellent weekend! We'll see you on Monday with more Daily Vitamin lessons. 

All the best!