Inicio > Recursos Inglés > SPRING VOCABULARY: TO BLOSSOM


14 / 04 / 2020

SPRING VOCABULARY: TO BLOSSOM: meaning and examples

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Daily Vitamin. I hope that you had a safe and healthy Semana Santa.

April is here, which means the spring season is in full effect. This week, our theme is Spring Vocabulary. We are beginning with the verb TO BLOSSOM

Definition 1: To produce flowers. 

Example 1: The trees in my yard are blossoming

Definition 2: To mature or develop in a healthy, positive way. 

Example 2: You have really blossomed as an artist. I'm so impressed by your paintings!

Example 3: Once I learned that Pam also likes to cook, our relationship really blossomed. We cook together all of the time. 

That's it for today. Join us tomorrow for another lesson. And again, welcome back! Take care.