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24 / 01 / 2012

SALARY vs. WAGE: meaning and examples

Good morning.

Today we will look at the differences between the words salary and wage. They both refer to money that you earn or that you make from working, but we use them in slightly different ways. (See the Daily Vitamin from February 12th, 2010 for a review of the phrases related to making money.)

Meaning of SALARY: The yearly or monthly amount of money that you earn from your job. Salary is usually a fixed amount even if you work more or fewer hours in a certain period. Salary is commonly used in reference to high-level professions such as doctors, executives, teachers, etc.

Example 1:
She was interested in the job, but she decided to negotiate a higher salary.

Example 2:
Doctors' salaries are significantly lower in that region compared to other areas of the country.

Meaning of WAGE
: The hourly or weekly amount of money that you earn from your job. Wages often vary depending on how many hours you work in a certain period.

Example 3:
I always volunteer to work at the weekends because I make double my regular wages.

Example 4:
Restaurant servers in North America make very low wages, so they depend on tips to increase their income.

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Enjoy your day!

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