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04 / 11 / 2020
Phrasal Verbs

PHRASAL VERBS WITH 'LOCK': LOCK ON : meaning and examples

Good morning and welcome to another Daily Vitamin lesson. 

Our theme for the week is Phrasal Verbs with the word LOCK. Today we are looking at the phrasal verb TO LOCK ON (TO SOMETHING / SOMEONE). 

Definition 1: To find a target and move towards it.  

Example 1: The missile locked on to the target.

Example 2: If my dog locks on to a ball or a bird, he won't stop running until he catches it. 

Definition 2: To stare at something or someone.

Example 3: I kept calling my cat but she wouldn't respond. She was locked on to the bird in the yard. 

This phrasal verb is transitive but is NOT separable. 

As always, thanks for reading! Have a great day.