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29 / 10 / 2009

PHRASAL VERB GRAMMAR-3: meaning and examples

Good morning.

Today we finish our study of phrasal verb grammar by looking at some inseparable and intransitive phrasal verbs.

Some examples of inseparable phrasal verbs are get over (recuperar; superar), look forward to (esperar con ilusión) and walk out on (abandonar a alguien). Study the following examples with the verb look forward to.

1) I'm looking forward to my holidays.
2) I'm looking forward to them.

Here we don't separate the main verb (look) from its particles (forward to), even if the object (my holidays) is replaced by a pronoun (them).

NOTE: Any phrasal verb with two or more particles is always inseparable.

Here are some more example to consider.

3) He walked out on his wife. 
4) It is taking me weeks to get over this flu.

Some other inseperable phrasal verbs are call on (visitar), go over (repasar) and look after (cuidar).

Remember that with intransitive phrasal verbs, you don't have to worry about the separable/inseperable issue, since there is no object. Look at the following examples with show off (presumir) and keep away from (mantener la distancia).

5) He always shows off when he is with women.
6) Please keep away from the oven; it is very hot.

I hope you have found this phrasal verb grammar summary useful. If you have any questions about anything we've covered, you can post your comments in the Daily Vitamin section on our website. Also, remember to read the phrasal verb article included in our Resources section: Trying to Organise the Phrasal Verb "Chaos". I include the link to the section one last time.

Finally, remember that tomorrow we will send the Essential Weekly Vitamin for Spanish-speaking students of English.

Enjoy the rest of your day.