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23 / 05 / 2012

EMBARRASSED FOR vs. BY: meaning and examples

Good morning.

Today we're going to see how the meaning of the word embarrassed changes slightly, depending on the preposition that follows it.

Speaking of embarrassed, remember to participate in our writing contest "I put my foot in it too". You could win a free English course!

Today's expression is: EMBARRASSED FOR vs. EMBARRASSED BY

To be embarrassed for someone means
: to feel uncomfortable because someone else has done an embarrassing thing. You imagine the reactions of other people to this person's behaviour and as a result, you feel embarrassed even though you are not doing the behaviour.

Example 1:
Wayne: Did you watch Barry give his speech yesterday?
Rick: Yes. I couldn't believe it. He kept forgetting what he wanted to say and then his Power Point didn't work. I felt so embarrassed for the poor guy!

To be embarrassed by someone means: to feel uncomfortable because someone else's embarrassing behaviour makes you look bad by association.

Example 2:
My boyfriend drank too much beer while we were at the restaurant. He started shouting and being really obnoxious. I was so embarrassed by him that I almost left!

So, as you can see, it's not the same to be embarrassed by someone as it is to be embarrassed for someone.

Have a nice day!

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