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07 / 04 / 2022

EGG EXPRESSIONS (NEST EGG): meaning and examples

Hello everyone. Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin. I hope you are having a great day. 

As you know, this week we are looking at expressions with the word EGG in them.

Today's EGG expression is: Nest egg

Definition: an amount of money that has been saved or kept for a special purpose, such as retirement, buying a home or education.

Example 1: For the last 15 years we have each been saving 10% of our paycheques, so we have built up quite a large nest egg.   

Example 2: They built up a big nest egg for their son's college education, so they have enough money to send him to any university he wishes to attend. 

Are you saving some of your income to build up a nest egg? If you're not, it's never too late to start. Let us know your thoughts about this topic on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter), and we will give you feedback as soon as possible.  

Enjoy the rest of your day and we'll see you tomorrow with the final lesson of the week.

All the best!