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31 / 10 / 2023

DO YOU CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN?: some cultural explanations

Good morning / afternoon / evening everyone, depending on when you are reading this. Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin. I hope your day is going well. 

As you may know, today is Halloween. So, happy Halloween!

In past Daily Vitamin lessons I have spoken about Halloween in different ways. Following are some links to some of those lessons: 
2008 (Essential Daily Vitamin in Spanish):

I was never a big fan of Halloween. I guess I have never liked wearing costumes. But I did like the sweets, so I did put on costumes when I was a child and walk around the neighbourhood to visit homes and say, "trick or treat," to receive candy from the kind neighbours.

Do you celebrate Halloween in your home? If so, tell us how or to what extent by posting a comment (in English) on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter/X) and we will give you feedback on your comment as soon as possible.

Happy Halloween again and enjoy the rest of your day, whether you celebrate Halloween or not. ;-)

All the best!