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11 / 04 / 2023

CELEBRATE vs. HOLD: meaning and examples

Hello everyone. I hope you had a great weekend and a great Semana Santa.

Do you know which one of the following sentences is correct?

1) This month we will celebrate our company's annual shareholders' meeting.
2) This month we will hold our company's annual shareholders' meeting.

If you think that number (1) is incorrect and number (2) is correct, you're right! In English we don't celebrate meetings we hold meetings or have meetings.

Celebrate means: to do something fun or enjoyable to show that an event or occasion is special.

Example 1
This year we are celebrating Ziggurat's twentieth anniversary.

Hold has many meanings but one of its meanings is: to organise a meeting or event.

Example 2
The elections in the European Union will be held in June.

Can you create logical sentences for the words celebrate and hold? You can post your sentences on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter) and we will give you feedback about your sentences as soon as possible.

Have a great day!