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20 / 09 / 2021

BACK TO SCHOOL VOCABULARY (ENROL): meaning and examples

Welcome back Daily Vitamin readers. I hope all of you had a great weekend!

This week we will look at words and expressions related to going back to school, since September is a common time of the year for returning to the classroom.

We begin with the very common word: ENROL

Definition: to put yourself, or someone else, onto the official list of members of a course, college, or group.

Sentence 1: he was too ill to leave his house, so his mother enrolled him in his classes for the spring semester.

Sentence 2: They will enrol their children in the local school. 

Sentence 3: I think it is too late to enrol at the university. You'll have to wait until next semester.

Speaking of enrolling, some of you may be interested in enrolling in my 3-month My English Coach Mastermind group. If you are interested, let me know.

Have a great day!