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24 / 04 / 2012

TO WIND: meaning and examples

Good morning,

We received a request from Susana, asking us about the meaning and use of the verb TO WIND. She wrote "... I wasn't really aware of 'wind' as a verb, and after checking the dictionary I'm still not very sure how to use it."

For the next few days we're going to look at the meaning of TO WIND, and some related expressions.

Today's word is: TO WIND (past: WOUND)

Meaning 1: to move in a curving, non-linear way.

Example 1:
The path winds through the forest, around trees and over streams, eventually leading to a small cottage.

Meaning 2: to make a clock, a watch or another mechanical device function by turning a key.

Example 2:
I wear an old-fashioned watch. It belonged to my grandfather. I have to wind it every day or else it stops working.

Meaning 3: to move a cassette, film reel or video tape backwards or forward until you get to the place that you want.

Example 3:
My children are so used to digital media that they don't know how to wind a cassette tape. It makes me laugh because I spent my entire youth winding cassettes and videos backwards and forwards, trying to find my favourite songs and dialogues.

Tomorrow we will look at some expressions with the verb TO WIND. If you have any questions about this verb, please leave us a comment in the Daily Vitamin section on our website.

See you tomorrow.