Inicio > Recursos Inglés > TO MAKE (REVISION)-3


13 / 12 / 2006

TO MAKE (REVISION)-3: meaning and examples

Good morning.

Today we will look at a few common expressions with make that mean to succeed in achieving something.

To make a deadline = to finish something before the final date.

Example 1: Now that the computers aren't working it is going to be impossible to make the deadline this Friday. We only have 24 hours.

To make the headlines = to be an important enough piece of news to be reported.

Example 2: The results of the elections in Catalonia made the headlines in France.

To make do with something = to overcome a problematic situation by using what is available, even if something is missing.

Example 3: The family didn't have much money but they made do with the little money they had.

To make it = to succeed in a particular activity or profession.

Example 4: After years of hard work and labour he has finally made it! His company is now in the top 10 most successful companies in Europe.

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