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17 / 07 / 2015

THE ALPHABET GAME: 'P': meaning and examples

Happy Friday, everyone! Welcome to our last contest post of the week. Our letter of the day is "P."

Today we are giving you the clues first. You will need them to help you solve the sentences. 

Clue 1: It is a slang word. 

Clue 2: It has very different meanings in American and British English. 

Clue 3: In American English, it means "angry."

Clue 4: In British English, it means "drunk."

Here are your sentences. 

Sentence 1: He had three beers in an hour. He was p_____ before dinner. (British English)

Sentence 2: Someone stole his wallet and used his credit cards. He's p_____. (American English)

Let us know your guesses on Ziggurat's Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn pages and we will post the correct answer later. 

Thanks for participating in this week's posts. I hope that you have a great weekend and we'll see you on Monday for the letter Q.