Inicio > Recursos Inglés > THE ALPHABET GAME (M)


20 / 06 / 2022

THE ALPHABET GAME (M): meaning and examples

Welcome back to the Daily Vitamin everyone! I hope you had a great weekend, and that your week has started in a positive manner.

Today we are continuing our 2022 Alphabet Game with another challenge. Today is our 13th challenge, with the letter M. So today marks the half-way mark of this year's Alphabet Game. Today is our 13th lesson, and after today there are 13 more lessons. :-)

Here is today's sentence. Remember its missing word begins with the letter M.

Sentence: Her m_____ grandmother is still alive. She's 95 years old and still lives alone. She's amazing.

HINT: this word comes from a lesson in a series about "mother vocabulary" that we did last month to celebrate Mother's Day. 

As always, please give us your answer on Facebook or Twitter. We will provide the correct answer later. We will also include the answer in the next Daily Vitamin email. The sooner you post the correct answer, the more points you will win. 

For more information about the rules, see the original post on our website:

Thank you and have a great day.

All the best!