Inicio > Recursos Inglés > THE ALPHABET GAME (H)


29 / 05 / 2020

THE ALPHABET GAME (H): meaning and examples

Hello and welcome back! We are on day eight of the 2020 Alphabet Game and many of you are doing incredibly well. Do you think you have a chance of winning one of our prizes? Remember that to win, you need to abide by the following rules.

IMPORTANT: To participate (and win one of the prizes), you should:
1) be a follower of at least one of our social media sites (either Facebook or Twitter).
2) share the initial contest post (May 19th) on at least one of our social media sites. The initial Daily Vitamin lesson is at the following link:, and you can find the inital Facebook and the initial Twitter post on their respetive pages (Facebook or Twitter).
3) post the correct answer on one of our social media sites each day (Facebook or Twitter). At the end of the 26 lessons, the person with the most points will be the winner.

Today’s answer begins with the letter H. Here is your sentence:

Sentence: We need to have a h______-to-______ talk about what you're doing with your life. 

Do you know this expression? Give us your answer on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter) and we will post the correct answer later. We will also include the answer in Tuesday's Daily Vitamin email.

We will see you next week for more of the Alphabet Game; but, as a reminder, there will be no Daily Vitamin on June 1st as it is a bank holiday in Barcelona. Have a great weekend!

Good luck to you!