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31 / 05 / 2021

THE ALPHABET GAME (C): meaning and examples

Good morning and welcome to our final post for May (and the third of the 2021 Alphabet Game)! I hope you're enjoying reviewing our lessons from this academic year. 

Here is today's sentence. It's missing a word that begins with the letter C.

Sentence: Your son looks just like you; he's a c_____ off the old block!

Hint 1: It's an expression that means "to resemble one's mother or father."
Hint 2: The missing word is the singular of the American word for what the British refer to as "crisps." (But in this case, it is not referring to this meaning.)

Give us your answer on one of our social media sites (Facebook or Twitter) and we will provide the correct answer later. We will also include the answer in the next Daily Vitamin email.

Best of luck to you!