Inicio > Recursos Inglés > SNOW EXPRESSIONS-1


04 / 03 / 2013

SNOW EXPRESSIONS-1: meaning and examples

Good morning!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and that you managed to keep warm! The weather has been particularly cold and snowy in the north and northeast of Spain these past couple of weeks! In recognition of that, we are going to explain some expressions that have the word SNOW in them.

Today's expression is: a snow job

It means: an act of deception, or to deceive someone, especially with words of insincerity. 

Example 1:
How is it possible for the treasurer of a major political party to have saved so much money in an off-shore fiscal paradise without anyone knowing? It sounds like a snow job to me!

Example 2:
Betty: He bought me flowers and chocolates. He sent me love letters. So, of course, when he said he loved me, I believed him. I never imagined that he was seeing another woman at the same time!
Lara: What a snow job! I hope you broke up with him!

Tomorrow we will explain another snow expression.

Have a great day!

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