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17 / 03 / 2017
Phrasal Verbs

PHRASAL VERB: TO NOD OFF: meaning and examples

Hi everyone! I hope your week has been fantastic.

For the last DV of the week, we are looking at the informal phrasal verb TO NOD OFF

Definition: To fall asleep. 

Example 1: If I watch TV, I instantly nod off

Example 2: I nodded off during the movie. How did it end?

Example 3: My Dad always nods off when he sits in his favourite chair. 

This phrasal verb is INTRANSITIVE

We first studied this phrasal verb back in October of 2015. You can see that lesson at the following link:

We also looked at the word NOD in a different manner in a recent Daily Vitamin in February. Do you remember? It was in relation to Oscar vocabulary. You can read that lesson here:

That's all for today. Thank you for reading!