Inicio > Recursos Inglés > PHRASAL VERB FRIDAY: WARD OFF


21 / 10 / 2016

PHRASAL VERB FRIDAY: WARD OFF: meaning and examples

Hello, readers! How are you doing this Friday? I hope your day is going well.

Today we are looking at the phrasal verb TO WARD OFF.

Definition: to prevent a danger or illness from harming someone.

Example 1: He warded off the attacker and then he ran.

Example 2: This summer, we warded off the mosquitoes with bug repellent.

We often use this with spirits and ghosts during Halloween.

Example 3: People think you can ward off vampires with garlic.

Example 4: They did a special dance to ward the evil spirits off.

This phrasal verb is TRANSITIVE and SEPARABLE.

That's all for this week. I hope you have learned something interesting from our posts this week!

Have an excellent weekend and we will see you on Monday for more English lessons.