Inicio > Recursos Inglés > PHRASAL VERB FRIDAY: PASS AWAY


10 / 03 / 2017
Phrasal Verbs

PHRASAL VERB FRIDAY: PASS AWAY: meaning and examples

Hello everyone and welcome to our last Daily Vitamin of the week!

For today's lesson, we are looking at the phrasal verb TO PASS AWAY.

Meaning: to die.

Example 1: I'm so sorry to hear that your cousin passed away.

Example 2: I didn't know that your neighbour passed away. When did it happen?

This is used when the word "die" might seem too cruel or upsetting. In English, "die" can be a very strong word in certain situations. PASS AWAY is a much kinder way to speak of someone's life ending.

This phrasal verb is INTRANSITIVE.

That's all for this week. Thank you for reading and have an excellent weekend!