Inicio > Recursos Inglés > MISS vs. LOSE


07 / 11 / 2005

MISS vs. LOSE: meaning and examples

Good morning. I hope you had a fantastic weekend. Today we are going to explain the difference between the two verbs to miss and to lose, which are often confused. Both miss and lose are translated into Spanish as perder, but they have slightly different meanings in English, which is what causes the confusion. TO MISS*: not to be present for someone or something; to be too late for a train, bus or other public transport; not to take advantage of an opportunity. *NOTE: To miss has other meanings, but today's Vitamin focuses on the meanings that are confused with the verb to lose. See the Daily Vitamins from March 8th to March 12th 2004 for more meanings and expressions of the verb to lose. Example 1: Greg missed his son's performance in the school play because he had to work. Example 2: If you don't hurry up, we'll miss the bus! Example 3: The company was very conservative and this caused them to miss many investment opportunities. TO LOSE: to stop having possession of something because it has been taken from you; not to find something; not to win. Example 4: He lost his job when the factory closed down. Example 5: I'm always losing my glasses! Perhaps I should get contact lenses. Example 6: They lost the championship match in the last five minutes. Please post any questions about today's Daily Vitamin in the Daily Vitamin Plus! section on our website. If you have any questions about how to use the Daily Vitamin Plus! section, please don't hesitate to contact us. Enjoy the rest of your day!
