Some of you are still on holiday, but for those of you who are back I hope you had a wonderful summer break! I also hope that you were able to somehow incorporate English into your summer. ;-)
As I always say, one of the most difficult things about learning a language is maintaining what you have already learned. If you haven't incorporated English into your daily routine, you may never get to your desired English level. The trick is to make English a habit, like brushing your teeth; something that you do everyday, or almost every day.
According to psychologists, it only takes 21 days to form a habit. That means that by the end of September, it would be possible for all of you to form the habit of doing something with English everyday (and I'm not only referring to receiving the Daily Vitamin).
I know I have talked about making English a part of your daily routine a million times, but I don't think it can be said too much. There is no magic formula to learning a language. If you are consistent and constant, you will learn. So why am I saying this again? Because now that we are beginning a new academic year, my wish is for all of you to make English a part of your daily routine.
I'll finish by introducing you a common English expression and relate the example to what I have been talking about:
Today's Expression: To be set in your ways.
It means: Not open to changing your opinion or way of doing things.
Example 1
If you want to make English a habit in your life, you can't be too set in your ways; you have to be willing to accept a change in your daily routine.
If there is anything specific that you would like to cover this year, please send me an e-mail. And if you have questions or comments about today's Daily Vitamin, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Have a great day!