Inicio > Recursos Inglés > KICK EXPRESSIONS-2


01 / 10 / 2008

KICK EXPRESSIONS-2: meaning and examples

Good morning.

Today we continue our look at English expressions with the word kick in them.

Today's first expression is: to kick someone out (of something)

Meaning: to make someone leave or go away (from somewhere)

Example 1
They were kicked out of the bar because they were very drunk and were trying to start fights.

Today's second expression is: to kick some / somebody's ass (especially in US English) informal

Meaning: to punish or defeat someone.

See the Daily Vitamins sent on the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 10th of December 2007 for more details about the swear word ass.

Example 2
George was afraid to go to school because the older kids had threatened to kick his ass the following day.

Example 3
Both Barça and Madrid fans think their respective teams are going to kick some ass in the Spanish Football League, but only one of them can win.

Remember that if you have any questions about today's Daily Vitamin, you should post them in the Daily Vitamin Plus! forum section on our website (

I hope all of you have a great day, and that you practice a little English.