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21 / 01 / 2011

EXPRESIONES CON HAVE-2: meaning and examples

Good morning everyone. Hoy seguimos con nuestro repaso de expresiones inglesas con el verbo HAVE.

Today's expression is: To have somebody on (informal)
(La expresión de hoy es: tomar el pelo a alguien.)

Meaning: to try to make somebody believe something that is not true, usually as a joke.
(Significado: intentar que alguien crea algo que no es verdad, normalmente como una broma.)

Example 1:
You didn't really tell her that you're single did you? You're having me on, aren't you? What will she say when she finds out that you have a wife and two children?
(No le habrás dicho que estás soltero. Me estás tomando el pelo, ¿verdad? ¿Qué dirá cuando se entere que tienes una mujer y dos hijos?)

Example 2:
I don't believe anything he says. He's constantly having me on.
(No creo nada de lo que dice. Me está tomando el pelo constantemente.)

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I hope you have a nice day and a great weekend! Good-bye.