Inicio > Recursos Inglés > ENGLISH IN THE SUMMER-4


16 / 07 / 2009

ENGLISH IN THE SUMMER-4: meaning and examples

Good morning.

Today is our last Daily Vitamin until Monday, September 14th, and tomorrow we will send our last Essential Weekly Vitamin until Friday, September 18th.

Before we sign off (despedirnos), we would like to remind you again of the importance of staying in contact with English during your holidays.

For suggestions, you can download the document "Fresh Summer English" from the Resources section on our website.

Again, there is nothing magic about these suggestions, and they only represent a fraction of the possibilities, but I hope they will motivate you to find your own way of keeping your English fresh in the summer.

If you have any questions about today's Daily Vitamin, please post your comments by clicking on the "Add a Comment" button in the Daily Vitamin section on our website (

Remember that tomorrow we will send the Essential Weekly Vitamin for Spanish-speaking students of English.

I hope you have a good day and an excellent summer. I'll see you in September.

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