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04 / 02 / 2009

COLOUR EXPRESSIONS-GREEN: meaning and examples

Good morning everyone.

Today we continue with our look at some typical English expressions that use colours in them.

Today's first expression isgreen with envy

Meaning: very jealous (celoso). Wishing very much that you had what someone else has.

Example 1:
John and his entire family will be going to Hawaii for 3 weeks. All of us are green with envy.

Today's second expression is: the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

Meaning: You use this expression to say that the things other people have or their situations always look better than your own, even when it might not be true.

Example 2:
I always tell my son, "don't compare your talents with others. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Just do your best!"

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I hope you have a great day.