02 / 05 / 2013

CHILLY: meaning and examples

Good morning!

Today's word is: CHILLY

It means: cool, the opposite of 'warm', when referring to the temperature. It can also refer to someone's attitude when they are inexpressive, distant or unfriendly, often called a "chilly reception" when you first meet someone like this.

Example 1:
The weather is surprisingly chilly for the beginning of May. It is usually warmer by this time of the year.

Example 2:
If you are feeling chilly, go and put on a sweater.

Example 3:
We got a very chilly reception at the inauguration party. The host wasn't at all friendly to us. I wonder if we did something to offend him.

Remember that tomorrow we present the Essential Weekly Vitamin for Spanish-speaking students of English.

Have a warm and pleasant day!