Inicio > Recursos Inglés > THE ALPHABET GAME: 'X'


29 / 07 / 2015

THE ALPHABET GAME: 'X': meaning and examples

Hello, everyone! We are nearly finished with our Alphabet Game. You are doing very well; great job! 

Today's letter is "X." Not many words in English begin with this letter. Let's see if you know today's missing word. 

Sentence 1: His x_____ kept him from travelling. 

Here are some clues to help you:

Clue 1: It means "fear or dislike of strangers and foreigners or the fear of anything foreign."

Clue 2: It has FIVE syllables!

Clue 3: It is similar to racism.

Clue 4: Think of the Latin word for "fear" and you can figure out the last part of the word.

If you know the answer, let us know on our Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn pages. We will post the correct answer later. 

Good luck and thanks for playing! We will see you tomorrow for a word that begins with "Y."